City to get it’s first Zero Waste Modern Food Street, Sector 15

  • Commissioner commences work with Area Councillor, officers and residents

Chandigarh, March 12:- In an effort to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly space for non-motorized traffic, promote healthy food options and reduce waste, Smart City initiated the project of Zero Waste Modern Food Street in sector 15, Chandigarh.

City to get its first Zero Waste Modern Food Street Sector 15

CEO, Chandigarh Smart City Ltd. Ms. Anindita Mitra, IAS, formally started the construction work of the Zero Waste Modern Food Street in Sector 15, Chandigarh in the presence of Anisha Shrivastav IAS, ACEO Smart City, Sh. Saurabh Joshi, area councilor and prominent persons of the local area.

While addressing the gathering, Ms Mitra said that the Zero Waste Modern Food Street in Sector 15 will serve as a model for sustainable urban development. It will not only provide a vibrant and appealing space for residents and visitors but also promote eco-friendly practices and healthy food choices.

She further highlighted that the Zero Waste Modern Food Street will enhance the overall aesthetics of Sector 15 and contributes to the well-being of the community. She urged residents and visitors to support this initiative and help maintain a zero-waste environment. She added that some of the highlights of the rejuvenated food street will be zero plastic, differently abled friendly and only for nonmotorized transport.

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Ms Mitra added that the project, funded by the National Health Mission of the Government of India with a budget provisions of Rs. 117.35 Lacs includes various notable features such as reconstructed flooring, benches with sheds, display boards with specific signages, a dedicated cycle track, ornamental lights, landscaping work, enhanced security with CCTV cameras, aesthetically pleasing bollards, twin dustbins for efficient waste management, and a Water ATM for public convenience.

Area Councillor Sh Saurabh Joshi emphasized on the importance of collaboration and community engagement in the project’s success. He said that the Smart City works closely with residents, local businesses, and government agencies to ensure that the Zero Waste Modern Food Street meets the needs and aspirations of the community.

ACEO Smart City Ms Shrivastav said that construction of the Zero Waste Modern Food Street will be completed within the next six months. Once finished, it will stand as a shining example of sustainable urban development, showcasing Chandigarh’s dedication to creating a greener future, she added.

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